Mason Owen improves Client Service with Safe4 secure document delivery solution for the insurance industry
Mason Owen Financial Services Ltd provides a range of insurance services to corporate and private clients from their Liverpool headquarters and was one of the first general insurance brokers in the country to attain Chartered Insurance Broker status. They pride themselves on their ability to offer innovative solutions and personal services to clients far beyond their North West heartland.
Mason Owen originally turned to Safe4’s secure document delivery solution for the insurance industry to improve the due diligence process with Legal Indemnity Insurance clients. Protective file size limits on email systems were regularly causing larger scanned documents to be sent in several parts adding to the administrative complexity of dealing with them. Now with Safe4, documents are delivered as a whole, with no rejection by client email systems, reducing costs and the risk of error. With Safe4, document delivery is timely, reliable, secure and fully compliant with regulation and best practice
How does this happen?
Safe4 provides an online document delivery and storage solution with a secure connection through the internet to Safe4’s ISO 27001 accredited data centre. It is straightforward for Mason Owen to upload confidential documents and files safely to their own Safe4 vaults, where they and designated other users can get secure access from anywhere there is an internet connection. This makes it ideal for exchanging documents, not just for legal indemnity purposes, but also for claims and other insurance applications.
Delivery is instant and, in contrast to most email, is totally secure. Andrew Gibbons, Managing Director of Mason Owen Financial Services, sees improving client satisfaction as a result of the more reliable document delivery system and better overall compliance.

“We have been able to improve the security of bulk information delivery while at the same time offering additional benefit to our clients through this fast and easy way to store and share information. Our clients also value the 24/7 self-service functionality, reducing their need to request documents from our team.”
From Property to Private Client
These client benefits and the versatility of the Safe4 approach has lead to Safe4 being quickly adopted by other parts of the Mason Owen organisation.
Property Clients with large portfolios now have a substantially improved document workflow. Mason Owen creates a folder in a Safe4 Client vault to receive documents such as renewals, certificates and invoices for a particular property rather than using email. This helps organise documents better and gives clients a repository where they can directly access any mislaid documents without any administrative effort by Mason Owen staff. All parties are notified when a document is available and the audit trail confirms that they are accessed.
Safe4 is not just being used with business clients. Private Clients can keep documentation such as purchase invoices, jewellery valuations and pictures in their Safe4 Vault. This enables Mason Owen as their brokers to deal pro-actively with any issues which may arise in a claims situation. The Safe4 audit trail also provides valuable date and time authentication in support of evidentiary requirements.
Fundamental to Mason Owen’s management of client documents is the need for proper security as well as speed of communication and ease of use. The Safe4 solution always means there is a secure connection between Mason Owen, its clients and the Safe4 vault with no chance of third party intervention.
Andrew Gibbons also notes “Safe4 improves the security of confidential information used with clients and by regional directors and account managers on the road. Using 3G iPads and Safe4’s WebDAV access facility, we do not have to carry confidential information on at-risk portable devices. All documents are held safely under our control in a secure data centre and accessed through the cloud.”
Other security measures built into Safe4 give Mason Owen the ability to ensure users only have access to the documents they need to see and to view audit trails for compliance and to confirm that other parties have accessed documents. Safe4 follows regulatory guidelines and best practice on “cloud” security and successfully participates in the government’s CHECK scheme for IT security, under the auspice of GCHQ at Cheltenham. Safe4 underwent its first assessment under the scheme in 2014 and passed comprehensively.
Mason Owen Financial Services is committed to providing innovative services to protect client assets and to ensuring safe, speedy and effective communication with clients. Safe4 provides an online document delivery and storage service which offers improvements in client service, reduces costs and enables professional brokers to satisfy regulatory and compliance requirements.
Working together, they provide an ever improving level of service to insurance clients which is timely, reliable, secure and fully compliant with regulation and best practice.
Interested to learn more?
If you are interested in learning more or in using Safe4 in your practice, please contact us at [email protected] or call 0845 904 8045 to arrange for someone to call you.
Contact Mason Owen Financial Services Ltd at [email protected] or by calling 0151 255 2600.